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Name: Marko
Subject: UTF-8 encoding problems


I am having problems with indexing some characters used in Slovenian language. 
I have pages in UTF-8. I am using MySQL support.

čČ is decoded correctly
šŠ and žŽ are not decoded correctly

When I run indexer it makes excerpt which is shown in search results. Instead 
of those two letters šŠžŽ I see question marks. I have set up wherever possible 
UTF-8 encoding.

LocalCharset utf-8
RemoteCharset utf-8 # indexer used US-ASCII until I set this

LocalCharset   UTF-8
BrowserCharset UTF-8

Is it important what default character set is set up in MySQL? I have there 
latin2 because of some legasy databases, but client can change to any other 
character set.

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Read the full topic here:
