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Name: dearste
Subject: video search help

Hi , maxime I need your help.
I have find this topic about video indexes 

from that, I have compiled my video.conf file like this:
DBAddr mysql://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/video/?dbmode=crc-multi

Section ytid 0 64 "video_id=([^\'&]*)&" "$1"
Section ytid 0 64 "video_id=([^\']*)'" "$1"

Period 7d
Realm hrefonly http://www.youtube.com/categories*
URL http://www.youtube.com/categories
Period 2h
Server page hrefonly http://www.youtube.com/
Period 180d
Realm regex ^http://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$
disallow http://www.youtube.com/player*
Allow * 

then i run ./indexer /usr/local/dpsearch/etc/video.conf

it start index process, but spot after 5 urls.
There is something wrong in this conf?
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Read the full topic here:
