I found this amusing post on the poop-group
(Perl Object-Oriented Persistance) today.

----- Forwarded message from Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: [Poop-group] Re: ... entering into the fray ...
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 22:17:17 +1200
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On Mon, 02 Jun 2003 19:52, Dan Sully wrote:
> * Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> shaped the electrons to say...
> >    d) implementing this is as simple as passing dates through
> >       Date::Manip::ParseDate
>         Please try and use the new DateTime::* modules instead of the
> slower, and rather bloated Date::Manip. Thanks.
>         http://datetime.perl.org/

Is Date::Manip more bloated, because;

  a) it takes up a measly 300kB of disk space, whereas the "new"
     DateTime modules clock in as a more "modern" 4.5MB ?

  b) its compile time is an unacceptable 55% more?

  c) it takes less time to convert dates?

  d) it doesn't even require one other module - any module worth
     respect requires at least 5 more, like DateTime?

  e) it doesn't use 1337 XS code?

  f) it provides a one-shot function that converts pretty much any
     date format you care to throw at it into a standard format?

Run this benchmark, then go crying home to your momma, she's waitin
for ya;


use Benchmark;
use Date::Manip;
use DateTime;

my $when = "2002-02-04 15:23:52.000";

      "Date::Manip::ParseDate" => sub {

          # This massaging of the date isn't necessary - but let's
          # compare pureed babyfood apples with pureed babyfood apples
          my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd, $h, $m, $s, $f)
              = ($when =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s
          my $date = ParseDate("$yyyy$mm$dd$h$m$s$f");

      "DateTime" => sub {
          my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd, $h, $m, $s, $f)
              = ($when =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s
          my $date = DateTime->new
              (year => $yyyy,
               month => $mm,
               day => $dd,
               hour => $h,
               minute => $m,
               second => $s,
               nanosecond => $f * 1e6);

Note: I'm not against progress, I agree that Date::Manip is far from
perfect and has plently of room for improvement.

But, really, 4.5MB?  And where's the DWIM conversion function?

  Only the ignorant man becomes angry.  The wise man understands.
 --Indian wisdom.

Poop-group mailing list

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