/--- On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 04:44:50PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| there doesn't seem to be a module that takes datetimes as described by ISO
| 8601 (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html) and converts them to a
| unix timestamp. several other modules came close, but are missing a few
| things.
| this module will provide a single function ToUnixTime
| (suggestions welcome on a better name) that converts datetimes like:
|   19951231T235959
|   2001-10-11T11:43:00,0
|   2002-07-14T22:34:59+00:00
| into unix timestamps.
| if a time offset is not present in the string, UTC is used. a different
| default timezone may be passed in as an argument like so:
|   DateTime::ISO::ToUnixTime($datetime, zone=>'EST5EDT')
| comments?

I would be happy if you could export that part of the function, which
returns an array of values ($year, $month, $day, etc...). This method is
better, because:
- UNIX timestamps depend on the timezone
- UNIX timestamps has limited range.

Szabó, Balázs (dLux)
< Szabó, Balázs Tibor - dLux > 

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