Changes since 1.04, which comes with Perl 5.8.0:

1.05  2003-06-03

This version is nearly identical to version 1.04, which is included in
the Perl core, but it removes the use of "our" in order to make the
code backwards compatible with Perl 5.00503.  It probably works with
earlier versions of Perl as well, but I don't have anything earlier
than 5.00503 installed.

Changes made from the core version include:

- Packaged for distribution on CPAN.

- Added an AUTHOR section to the docs.

- Clarified some points in the docs, particularly the fact that this
module uses the local system's epoch, not the Unix epoch, contrary to
what the documentation suggests.

- Disabled tests for Perl4 library since it's not
included in standalone distribution.

I'll send patches for the core once a few people confirm that I didn't
screw anything up.  If DateTime list folks who were seeing t/04epoch.t
failures with the CVS could install this and try again, that'd
be helpful.


House Absolute Consulting

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