Hi Rick,

> I'm having problems with RedHat 9. Now it could just be my install, 
> but someone might be able to help me. I know this is offtopic, but 
> the problem only reared it's head when installing DateTime. The 
> problem is this: in shell, I can't type a quote without a seqeunce 
> such as [quote][x][delete]. It seems that if I type [quote][e] I get 
> an 'e' with an accute. [quote] seems to have become a meta key for 
> accents and thus I get only the occasional quote in my Makefile. See 
> below.
> Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I just tested it in gEdit 
> under X and I have exactly the same problem


I seem to recall something like this in CLPM. I can't find it now,
But is had to do the the locale setting

The workaround for your original problem is probably to execute the
Makefile.PL and the make/make test phase with the locale set to LC_ALL=C.

Ron Hill

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