

Have scouted around but not managed to find any info on this.


My problem is that I have a codec that doesn't properly "fit" into the
VISA xDM model. It takes video as an input but then returns quite a lot
of meta data as an output. I'd like the output to be structured (as in
parse-able by casting the return values to structures).


At the moment I am using the IVIDENC interface and kludging the return
data. I have to standardise the interface soon because other people need
to start developing against it.


I have had a look at the TI SCALE example that comes with the codec
engine and was wondering....


Instead of just adding extra functions in the SCALE example, whether
it's possible to define my own extended interface (with some extra
functions) and have a codec (e.g. the SCALE one) inherit this interface
(and possibly n other interfaces) as well as the ISCALE interface.


Seems like it should be possible.


Oh.. and if this sounds like a bad idea... please tell me why.




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