Dear Xpert,

With your timely advice, i was able to understand the xDM error messages.
Thank you for that. ( Specially Chris ).

Well i have another question popping out. In the decode demo code,

if (status != VIDDEC_EOK) {
if (status == VIDDEC_ERUNTIME ||
outArgs.bytesConsumed == 0 ||
XDM_ISFATALERROR(outArgs.extendedError)) {
ERR("VIDDEC_process() failed with a fatal error (%ld ext: %#lx),
bytesConsumed = %d\n",
status, outArgs.extendedError,outArgs.bytesConsumed);
return FAILURE;
else {
return SUCCESS;

If the decoder goes in else condition the codec stops and doesnt recover's
from that. And it crashes finally. The momemt
" stats->framesRejected++ " is incremented the codec doesnt recover and it
I would like to know in what conditions the decode demo rejects frames ?
Because if there was a problem with corrupt header should have
displayed some error message at least. But it doesnt happens here. Is there
any recovery mechanism to handle this ?

Kindly guide me on to understand on what condition the frames are rejected ?
Is there any workaround ?

Thank you.

Warm Regards,
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