Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:

> JJ Merelo wrote:
> that is, column is of type whatever and should be of type whatever
> else. The aforementioned column is of type serial. I'm using Perl

Hard to say without knowing what version you have
> [...]
Before upgrading however, please run the test suite (make test) and
send us the results so we can possibly narrow down the problem.

I don't know if this is going to help in some way, but...

I've put up a test case that is failing with DBD::Pg 1.40
and works ok with DBD::Pg 1.32.

Environment is:
  Pg 8.0.1
Perl 5.8.6
 DBI 1.46

1.40 builds and tests fine, while 1.32 has errors (detail can be provided
if necessary).

Run of test script with DBD::Pg 1.32:

  $ perl t/24_server_side_prepare.t
  ok 1 - database ready
  ok 2 - create test table
  ok 3 - insert sth prepared correctly
  # skipping bind_param(1, undef, SQL_INTEGER) on DBD::Pg < 1.40
  # because it triggers error: Can't change TYPE ... to 0 ...
  #    execute()=1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ok 4 - execute of insert query
  ok 5 - rollback transaction
  ok 6 - create test table
  ok 7 - insert sth prepared correctly
  ok 8 - execute of insert query
  ok 9 - rollback transaction

Run of test script with DBD::Pg 1.40:

$perl t/24_server_side_prepare.t
ok 1 - database ready
ok 2 - create test table
ok 3 - insert sth prepared correctly
# execute()=1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ok 4 - execute of insert query
ok 5 - rollback transaction
ok 6 - create test table
ok 7 - insert sth prepared correctly
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: column "myfield1" is of type integer but expression is of type character varying
HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
not ok 8 - execute of insert query
# Failed test (t/24_server_side_prepare.t at line 83)
# $dbh->err=7 $dbh->errstr=ERROR: column "myfield1" is of type integer but expression is of type character varying
# HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
ok 9 - rollback transaction
# Looks like you failed 1 tests of 9.

I've tried to understand what's going on in but I need
to dig some more to be somewhat helpful.

Here it is the test script that I used:

# Tests about server side prepared statements in Pg
# $Id: 24_server_side_prepare.t,v 1.1 2005/02/16 10:50:42 cosimo Exp $
use Test::More;
plan tests => 9;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);

sub create_test_table {
    my $dbh = $_[0];
    CREATE TABLE dbdpg_test1 (
        myfield1 integer,
        myfield2 numeric(5,0),
        myfield3 numeric(8,3)

my $dbh;
my $sth;
my $ok = 0;
my $sql = 'INSERT INTO dbdpg_test1 (myfield1) VALUES (?)';

# Connect to pgperltest database in transactional mode
$dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=pgperltest', undef, undef,
    {RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>1, AutoCommit=>0}
ok( ref $dbh && $dbh->ping(), 'database ready');

# Prepare first insert statement w/o server side prepare
ok( create_test_table($dbh), 'create test table');
eval { $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql, {pg_server_prepare=>0}) };
ok( $sth && ! $@, 'insert sth prepared correctly');

# The following bind_param() makes the test work
# If you omit this, does not work anymore with DBD::Pg 1.40 (see below)
# with DBD::Pg 1.32 everything works as expected
if( DBD::Pg->VERSION() > 1.32 ) {
    $sth->bind_param(1, undef, SQL_INTEGER);
} else {
    diag('skipping bind_param(1, undef, SQL_INTEGER) on DBD::Pg < 1.40');
    diag('because it triggers error: Can\'t change TYPE ...');

eval { $ok = $sth->execute(99) };
diag('   execute()='.$ok.' [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.$@);
ok( $ok && ! $@,      'execute of insert query');
if( ! $ok ) {
    diag('   $dbh->err='.$dbh->err().' $dbh->errstr='.$dbh->errstr());
ok( $dbh->rollback(), 'rollback transaction' );

# This time we repeat all the test without binding param
# Test fails with DBD::Pg 1.40 !
$ok = 0;
ok( create_test_table($dbh), 'create test table');
eval { $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql, {pg_server_prepare=>0} ) };
ok( $sth && ! $@, 'insert sth prepared correctly');

eval { $ok = $sth->execute(99) };
ok( $ok && ! $@,      'execute of insert query');
if( ! $ok ) {
    diag('   $dbh->err='.$dbh->err().' $dbh->errstr='.$dbh->errstr());
ok( $dbh->rollback(), 'rollback transaction' );

# End of test


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