The connected() method of subclasses doesn't get all the attribute
that were set by the caller; three of them are deleted first:
   643              foreach $a (qw(RaiseError PrintError AutoCommit)) { # do the
se first
   644                  next unless  exists $attr->{$a};
   645                  $dbh->{$a} = delete $attr->{$a};
   646              }
   647              foreach $a (keys %$attr) {
   648                  eval { $dbh->{$a} = $attr->{$a} } or $@ && warn $@;
   649              }
   650          }
   652          # if we've been subclassed then let the subclass know that we're
   653          $dbh->connected($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr) if ref $dbh ne 'DBI::

I'd rather like to get those attributes in my subclass.  Would a
patch be accepted?

Likewise - and this is more debatable - the $dsn passed to
connected() has had the driver prefix stripped off so you can't
tell which driver was used.  That information would be most valuable
to my application.  It does seem from reading the documentation
as though the expectation is that connected() will get the same
arguments as connect(), so would a patch for this be accepted also?

Peter Scott

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