Built from SVN, works in our test environment.

John Scoles wrote, on or about 12/18/2010 8:08 PM:
Ok I got it to work 100% with the test seems you gave a little too much SP

You will find it in trunk of DBD::Oracle

which is here


Thanks again

John Scoles

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Tim Oertel <t...@samasher.com 
<mailto:t...@samasher.com>> wrote:


    We were recently trying to pass an array to a stored procedure.
    It worked fine the first call, but subsequent calls were receiving
    the wrong array size, and with old array entries.

    After some investigation, it looks like once an array parameter
    is used with a given size array, it ignores any future array length.


    @array_of_something = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    $sth->bind_param(1, \...@array_of_something, {
       ora_type => ORA_NUMBER_TABLE,
       ora_internal_type => SQLT_INT });

    @array_of_something = (6, 7, 8);

    $sth->bind_param(1, \...@array_of_something, {
       ora_type => ORA_NUMBER_TABLE,
       ora_internal_type => SQLT_INT });

    ...doesn't do what is expected.  The stored proceedure
    receives an array of (6, 7, 8, 4, 5), in the second execute().

    In the process of debugging that, we grabbed newer versions of DBD::Oracle,
    to check if a more recent version had a fix, and lacking that, creating
    a patch against svn.

    Turned out we ran into a second bug, our dev system has recent Oracle
    libraries on it, but our db is Oracle 9.2, and (after investigation) it
    looks like there is a known issue with Oracle 10.2 libs, doing a ping
    against 9.2, which causes a listener crash (I think).

    The fix for that was to revert to the server version check if the server
    is too old.

    So, I've attached a patch, plus a test case for the first problem.
    The patch is a patch against svn, 14564.  It was tested on a Linux
    box, with client libs and server, also running on

    If I've screwed up formatting, or need to do this differently, let me
    know, and I'll try to fix it.  If the fixes are wrong, I'm all ears
    on that too.

Tim Oertel       |"Why should I be content to simply
VP Engineering   | live in this world, when I, as a
Ashergroup, Inc. | human being, can CREATE it?!"
585-586-0020     | IM via google/XMPP: ma...@jabber.com

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