
Attached is my patch for building DBD::Oracle 1.12 on Win32.  This patch
simply extends the current logic to look for the "default" home in the
registry (Used 8.1.7 with a single home and multiple homes to test and
9.2 with multiple homes).  My problem was that I was transferring a
bunch of stuff to a new laptop and install Oracle 9i R2 first, then
Oracle 9i Dev suite (9iDS) and set the default home using the Oracle
Home selector to the 9iR2 DB home.  Makefile.PL, however, picked up the
9iDS home which doesn't contain the OCI.  The logic here is to try to
use the "default" Oracle home and ensure it has an OCI directory.  If
the registry key doesn't exist or the OCI directory doesn't exist, then
the current logic is used.  This only affects the Win32 build in
function win32_oracle_home.



Attachment: DBD-Oracle-1.12.makefile.patch
Description: Binary data

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