Max Maischein wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've just created DBD::WMI [1], which you can use to query various
> information on Windows (2000, XP, 2003) computers. My driver is a
> (very thin) layer between DBI and the Windows WQL query language. The
> WMI allows you to query various tables ("namespaces"), like the
> filesystem, currently active processes and events:
>      SELECT * FROM Win32_Process
> The driver/WMI implements two kinds of queries, finite queries like
> the query above and potentially infinite queries for events as they
> occur in the system:
>      SELECT * FROM __instanceoperationevent
>      WITHIN 1
>      WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_DiskDrive'
> This query returns one row (via ->fetchrow_arrayref() ) whenever a
> disk drive gets added to or removed from the system (think USB stick).
> The driver is a very rough draft, lacking documentation, error
> checking and other stuff, but it works so far. What's on the plan
> already are DSN parameters to specify the credentials and machine to
> connect to. Other stuff is welcome - a CPAN release will come soonish.
> What helped me greatly were the DBD::File prototype, but more
> importantly, the DBI::DBD documentation was what made me finish the
> implementation.

This is really cool.  Thanks, Max.


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