Just uploaded 1.23_1 to CPAN. This release contains:

makefile.PL changes:
  some formatting changes to output
  warn if unixodbc headers are not found that the unixodbc-dev package
is not
  use $arext instead of "a"
  pattern match for pulling libodbc.* changed
  warn if DBI_DSN etc not defined
  change odbc_config output for stderr to /dev/null
  missing / on /usr/local wheb finding find_dm_hdr_files()

New FAQ entries from Oystein Torget for bind parameter bugs in SQL Server.

rt_46597.rt - update on wrong table

Copied dbivport.h from the latest DBI distribution into DBD::ODBC.

Added if_you_are_taking_over_this_code.txt.

Add latest Devel::PPPort ppport.h to DBD::ODBC and followed all
recommendations for changes to dbdimp.c.

Added change to Makefile.PL provided by Shawn Zong to make
Windows/Cygwin work again.

Minor change to Makefile.PL to output env vars to help in debugging
peoples build failures.

Added odbc_utf8_on attribute to dbh and sth handles to mark all
strings coming from the database as utf8.  This is for Aster (based on
PostgreSQL) which returns all strings as UTF-8 encoded unicode.
Thanks to Noel Burton-Krahn.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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