I have got back to the task. I have installed an openSUSE virtual machine
(matches the production server) and then installed Teradata GSS, ICU, CLIV2
and ODBC -packages. I have verified that the drivers function by installing
the Teradata navigator and successfully getting data over ODBC.


This time, when I run cpan test DBD::ODBC, I get an undefined symbol error
(SQLFetch) from dynaloader trying to load ODBC.so. I have attached the full
build and test trace from the cpan session.


Thanx for any help.



From: Martin J. Evans [mailto:martin.ev...@easysoft.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:33 PM
To: dbi-users@perl.org
Subject: Re: Help please with DBD::ODBC on SUSE-Linux


On 15/08/2012 18:25, Jeff Tate wrote:


> Step 1)  added ODBC trace information to odbcinst.ini (made my own 

> copy (system file)) and change $ODBCINST to address


>                 NO output produced in trace file



That suggests you are NOT using unixODBC as the ODBC driver manager. 

Therefore this increases the places where the problem may be as I've not
tried whatever driver manager comes with teradata.



Attachment: DBD-ODBC.trace
Description: Binary data

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