> On Feb 18, 2020, at 9:58 AM, Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu> 
> wrote:
> Just a heads up for those of you on the close-to-the-bleeding-edge. libnsl is 
> no longer included with the standard glibc libs with CentOS (and I'm guessing 
> also in RHEL 8, and whatever the current Fedora build is) , and the 
> DBD::Oracle install fails during make test:
> Can't load 
> '/root/.cpan/build/DBD-Oracle-1.80-1/blib/arch/auto/DBD/Oracle/Oracle.so' for 
> module DBD::Oracle: libnsl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
> or directory at /usr/lib64/perl5/DynaLoader.pm line 193.
> at -e line 1.
> Compilation failed in require at -e line 1. 
> fortunately it’s still in the repo, so yum install libnsl fixes it.

And because I have the memory of a crack-addled goldfish sometimes, I came back 
here to mention this the next time I ran into this problem :-) 

Since libnsl.so.2 IS installed if you you do the Dev tools group install (so 
you can compile DBD::Oracle in the first place), simply symlinking it to 
libnsl.so.1 also works.

" ln -s /usr/lib64/libnsl.so.2 /usr/lib64/libnsl.so.1”

Although to be fair Feb 18 does feel like it was a year or two ago… 

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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