Re: Question that may not have an answer

2007-09-17 Thread Bill Kurland
Scott Mohnkern wrote: I'm working on a project where we have data stored in arrays that we need to put into a database. We'd started with CSV (it was easiest), but it's become unmanagable. However, I don't want to go through the pain of getting a mysql database or other database server set up t

DBD::Pg and stored procedures

2005-06-11 Thread Bill Kurland
ks for your time and patience. Bill Kurland Shakespeare & Co.

ODBC Transaction Processing

2005-02-26 Thread Bill Kurland
attribute is being ignored. Is this likely a conformance problem with the Transoft ODBC driver? Is there any way to pass through a 'transaction on' command to the driver or would it simply be ignored? Is this a problem only the authors of the driver can fix? Thanks -- Bill Kurland Shake

Re: DBD and other perl module for AIX

2003-10-24 Thread Bill Kurland
** Bill Kurland Shakespeare & Co. -- Leibniz never married; he had considered it at the age of fifty; but the person he had in mind asked for time to reflect. This gave Leibniz time to reflect, too, and so he never married. -- Bernard de Fontenelle

PostgreSQL error strings - a list

2003-01-02 Thread Bill Kurland
at the resulting string. Can anyone suggest a different approach ? Thanks -- Bill Kurland Shakespeare & Co. "There is no Modesty--No attention to one another. They talk very loud, very fast,and alltogether.If they ask you a Question, before you can utter 3 words of your Answer, the

DBD::SQLite win32 binary

2002-12-13 Thread Bill Kurland
Does anyone know of a source for a win32 binary of DBD::SQLite? Any leads are much appreciated. Thanks -- Bill Kurland Shakespeare & Co. "There is no Modesty--No attention to one another. They talk very loud, very fast,and alltogether.If they ask you a Question, before you can utte

Re: postgreSQL parameter binding broken?

2002-06-09 Thread Bill Kurland
t; > my $line; > > print $line, "\n"; > > [tlowery@stllnx1 tlowery]$ perl -w > "my" variable $line masks earlier declaration in same > scope at line 11. > Use of uninitialized value in print at line 13. > > use warnings and -w ar

postgreSQL parameter binding broken?

2002-06-09 Thread Bill Kurland
($line,$where,$isbn,$author,$title,$price,$course_no,$term,$retail), "\n" ; $td_sth->execute() or warn DBI->errstr(), "\n"; $td_sth2->execute() or warn DBI->errstr(), "\n"; } $bbreg_h->disconnect() ; $bbreg2_h->disconnect()

Re: DBI vs DBM vs ODBC

2001-12-06 Thread Bill Kurland
a database > > Do you have any suggestions where I might any? > > Thanks > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( > Version: 6.0.306 / Virus Database: 166 - Release Date: 04/12/01 > > Bill Kurland Shake

DBD::ODBC make test fails

2001-11-13 Thread Bill Kurland
ServerPort = 7000 +14 FetchBufferSize = 99 +15 UserName= +16 Password= +17 Database= books.udd +18 ServerOptions = +19 ConnectOptions = +20 Options = +21 ReadOnly= no Setting Driver=Transoft ODBC D