After something that happened in my code recently, I suspect there may be a
more general problem.  May I suggest you replace the prepare/executes with
the basic 'do' function for the two insertions.  Does this make any

My problems involved a rather long-winded trigger, which (among other
things) logged insertions to a table.  When I checked the audit table after
the insertion, there was no sign of it until I reconnected.  The problem
disappears using $db->do("INSERT ...blah...")  - Or maybe I have lulled
myself into a false sense of security...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Powell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 1:52 PM
> Subject:      DBI/DBD::Sybase @@IDENTITY Bug??
> It appears that selecting @@IDENTITY returns only the first IDENTITY
> result for the database connection.  This is with SyBase, DBI
> 1.13 and DBD:Sybase 0.91.
> For example, I created a test table as such:
> create table test (id numeric(10,0) identity, blah char(10) null)
> And then ran a Perl script:
> ...
>   # connect to the database
>   $db = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:", $dbuser, $dbpass);
>   # test the first insertion
>   $qd = $db->prepare("insert into test (blah) values ('one')");
>   $qd->execute;
>   $qd = $db->prepare('select @@identity');
>   $qd->execute;
>   $row = $qd->fetchrow_arrayref;
>   print "Identity: $row->[0]\n";
>   # test the second insertion
>   $qd = $db->prepare("insert into test (blah) values ('two')");
>   $qd->execute;
>   $qd = $db->prepare('select @@identity');
>   $qd->execute;
>   $row = $qd->fetchrow_arrayref;
>   print "Identity: $row->[0]\n";
>   print "done\n";
> Which produces the output:
> Identity: 1
> Identity: 1
> Where the correct result should be:
> Identity: 1
> Identity: 2
> The only way I can get around the problem is to disconnect and then
> reconnect to the database before inserting into a table where I need to
> get the IDENTITY value.  This problem did not occur in the SyBase
> command-line interface - only in the Perl script as discussed.
> I would rather not use the workaround, so if anyone knows if I am
> missing a setting or command, your help will be greatly appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Andrew Powell
> aap

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