
My Perl CGI script work from the command line, but, doesn't work under the
httpd. I know it is caused by environment variables/setting ( such as
ORACLE_HOME etc.).  I tried to use BEGIN at the beginning of the script to
set up these environment variables; and tried to use "use lib..." to
prepended these environment variables to the @INC; and tried to use "$ENV"
to set up them... Anyway, I tried everything that I know to solve this
problem, and they are all failed.  
The problem is about DBD:ORACLE module(install_driver(Oracle) failed:). 

It works fine before the server is changed. I can't find any clue and don't
know what I should do now. I have spend a lot time on this. The user is
waiting for the system to work.

Please help !!!!   Any help is appreciated.

Thank you so much! 

Ze Chen 

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