Hi all, just downloaded and installed (successfully) ActivePerl for my win2k
machine.  I also got some perl modules that I needed from ppm, but was
unable to find DBD-Oracle on there.  I perused the FAQ's and all say to get
it from ppm...but a search turns up nothing.  Can anyone explain to me what
I'm doing wrong.

Thanks in advance,


<begin snip>

ppm> search DBD
Using cached search result set 2.
   1. DBD-AnyData     [0.05] DBI access to XML, CSV and other formats
   2. DBD-Chart       [0.80] DBI driver abstraction for Rendering Charts and
   3. DBD-CSV       [0.2002] DBI driver for CSV files
   4. DBD-Multiplex    [1.9] A multiplexing driver for the DBI.
   5. DBD-mysql     [2.1026] MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
   6. DBD-mysqlPP     [0.04] Pure Perl MySQL driver for the DBI
   7. DBD-ODBC        [0.43] ODBC Driver for DBI
   8. DBD-Ovrimos     [0.12] DBI Driver for Ovrimos (formerly Altera SQL
   9. DBD-PgPP        [0.04] Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI
  10. DBD-Sprite      [0.44] Perl extension for DBI, providing database
  11. DBD-SQLrelay     [0.1] perl DBI driver for SQL Relay
  12. DBD-Template    [0.01] A template/sample class for DBI drivers.
  13. DBD-XBase      [0.231] Reads and writes XBase (dbf) files, includes
  14. DBIx-AnyDBD     [2.01] DBD independant class
ppm> search Oracle
Using cached search result set 3.
  1. DDL-Oracle   [1.11] a DDL generator for Oracle databases

<end snip>

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