On Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 14:05:17 -0500, "Jesse Erlbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hey Jeff -- 
> > Regarding teh rest of your email, I have got to agree with you, most
> > web apps use way more resources than they could possibly need, but you
> > know what ? As a counter to your argument if you needed Oracle you'd
> > just use Oracle VS PgSQL, in my life, if i only needed MySQL, i'd use
> > SQL Lite.
> I really don't think your "SQL Lite" analogy is a valid one.  Oracle,
> PgSQL and MySQL are hugely popular.  SQL Lite is a skunk works with no
> proven track record.  
> Quick Google hits check:
>   2,250,000 for "Oracle" +rdbms
>     756,000 for "MySQL" +rdbms
>     384,000 for "PostgreSQL" +rdbms
>         207 for "SQL Lite" +rdbms

Not that this really matters much , but you get a few more hits if you
spell it correctly...  
"Results 1 - 10 of about 3,000,000 for SQLite."


> A bit of a straw man, wouldn't you say?
> -Jesse-

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