Re: Upgrade to DBD::Oracle1.14 on AIX 4.3.3

2003-04-01 Thread Jeremy.Richards
All seems well now thanks. (See attached file: DBD-Oracle-1.14_perl_Makefile-PL.txt)(See attached file: DBD-Oracle-1.14_make.txt)(See attached file: DBD-Oracle-1.14_make_test.txt)(See attached file: DBD-Oracle-1.14_make_install.txt)(See attached file: perl-V.txt) Regards Jeremy Richards Senior

Re: Upgrade to DBD::Oracle1.14 on AIX 4.3.3

2003-03-31 Thread Jeremy.Richards
I got the following message (see also in attached) during "perl Makefile.PL": Argument "" isn't numeric in ge at Makefile.PL line 669 The "make" seems ok. (See attached file: DBD-Oracle-1.14_perl_Makefile-PL.txt)(See attached file: DBD-Oracle-1.14_make.txt)(See attached file: perl-V.txt

Re: "make test" error for DBI-1.35 on AIX 4.3.3

2003-03-28 Thread Jeremy.Richards
Hi, Got around the problem below by deleting the DBI-1.35 directory tree and rebuilding without running the "make test" command. Then went on to build DBD-Oracle-1.13. Can you check if the warning during "perl Makefile.PL" and the error during "make" (oci8.c) can be ignored please (see attached

Re: "make test" error for DBI-1.35 on AIX 4.3.3

2003-03-27 Thread Jeremy.Richards
Hi, After reading your response below, I ran "make install" which produced output contained in the attached (I assume I also ignore the error in there). (See attached file: DBI-1.35_make_install.txt) I then tried building DBD::Oracle but the "perl Makefile.PL" command produced the error in the

Word of thanks

2003-03-27 Thread Jeremy.Richards
Thanks very much for that info. The quick response time to my problem was tremendous ! Regards, Jeremy Richards Open Systems Support

"make test" error for DBI-1.35 on AIX 4.3.3

2003-03-26 Thread Jeremy.Richards
Hi, Can anyone help me in determining if the following error during "make test" can be ignored or how it can be fixed please. I have attached five text files containing output from the build steps and the "perl -V" command. I apologise if the solution is obvious and I sympathise with you if you