
I'm installing DBI in my linux box and i was  experiencing the  problem "Cannot locate 
auto/DBI/_install_me.al in @INC (@INC contains: .).. "  and i found the solution in 
the mailing list archives as mail bellow,  but now i get this  new message 
"DBI/_install_me.al did not return a true value at ..." .  and i did not find anything 
in the archives.

some tip or help will be appreciated

Best Regards,

Jose Antonio

Brilliant Michael!

Thanks for that piece of information. Having looked around I found the
module with its correct name. The module name for DB2 is 'dbd-db2'.
Requesting this one with ppm works as expected and now my Perl w32-ix86
DBI/DB2 installation is just fine.

This is just for other who might be curious how I did it ...

Procedure to activate dbi and db2 modules in an ActivePerl installation:

1)    Connect to the internet and make sure you can see www.activestate.com

2)    From a command line interface(DOS box), type ppm

3)    type 'install dbi'
       Now you need to wait a bit because data is being downloaded
       When this has finished, successfully, you need to do the same with
the DB2 module

4)    type 'install dbd-db2'
       Wait again for the successful installation ...

5)    Test your installation with a similar script like below

> I have Perl 5.6 from Active State, I used PPM to download and install 
> the files 
> for Perl DBI and Perl DBD and DB2.  When I run a perl program to access 
> my Mysql database I can't get past the "use DBI".  First there was a 
> strict variable 
> problem in DBI, so I  copied DBI to DBI2 and then I commented those 
> variables out in  DBI2 and changed my program to use DBI2 
> Then the problem I cannot figure out, I get this response: 
> Cannot locate auto/DBI/_install_me.al in @INC (@INC contains: .).. 

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