Where is the error? (Apache on Unix don't shows any..)

2002-01-31 Thread Marius Keraitis
... Pasirinkite stulpelß HTML while ( @tuple = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { $stulpas[$counter]=$tuple[0]; print<$tuple[0] OPTION $counter++; } print< [.. ...] if(param('submitas')) { $tuplas=param('selektas'); $textas=param('submitas'); #print $tuplas; #print $textas; $sth1 = $dbh->prepare(q { BEGI

HTML problem

2002-01-22 Thread Marius Keraitis
Hi evry1, I have a problem with showing data in HTML document. I print in it a table and user can indicate, how many rows to show in this table. How could I delete previuos rows, before showing new?

problem with geting data from db

2002-01-15 Thread Marius Keraitis
Hi, I have problem when i trying to select data from table, which name i keep in variable. How could i do (this statement don't work: select * from $table_name) $table_name i get from other .pl file in which table name i set with input form: in second file i do this: $table_name=param("$id");

whats da error?

2002-01-15 Thread Marius Keraitis
when i trying to select some data from oracle db, i have this weird error: DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-06550: line 3, column 17: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following: ( table the The symbol " was inserted before "" to continue. (DBD ERROR: OCIS

where is the error?

2002-01-14 Thread Marius Keraitis
Hi i have this code, server (apache on Unix) don't shows any error, but my scripts doesn't work correctly: $sth=$dbh->prepare(q { BEGIN OPEN :cursor FOR SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE owner = 'KLASIFIKATORIAI' AND TABLE_NAME= :t_name ORDER BY COLUMN_ID; END; }); $sth->bind_para


2002-01-11 Thread Marius Keraitis
hi, How could i know how many rows is selected after: $oraSQL = qq/SELECT table_name, column_name column_id FROM all_tab_columns/; then I use fetchrow_array(..). Thankfull for help..:) MarioDaPL.

Column names and etc..

2002-01-11 Thread Marius Keraitis
Hi, I have a problem with getting colunm count and their names. I have to get the list of all tables in the users account (Oracle). This I do by selecting * from cat. Second step is to show every table contents (by clicking on link with table name). To do this I need to know how many columns is

Another1 problem with Oracle

2002-01-09 Thread Marius Keraitis
Hillow, i have a simple question: can I use SQL command DESCRIBE instead of SELECT in this case: ...connect.. my $oraSQL = qq/SELECT * FROM TABLENAME /; ...do something.. ...disconnect.. Or maybe there is another way to get table column names? Hope You undestood my problem..:) Mario.

Oracle + Perl

2002-01-08 Thread Marius Keraitis
How can I connect to Oracle DB, get some data and show it in a HTML document? using DBI. I'm begginer in this, hope You'll help me..:) Mario.