  So, I took the initiative to build the DBD on one of my VMs.  It's a Win2K 
Pro system, with Perl 5.8.0 and MSVC 6.0 SP5 with no SDK install.  I don't know 
if it was the SDK or the XP that messed with the build, and mayhap I'll never 
know, but I thinks it's built now, so let's leave good enough alone, right?  

  I've done the "perl Makefile.pl", and it completed successfully, along with 
"nmake".  I've got a bit of an error during "nmake test" though, in that none 
of the tests which depend on an active connection come back with a success 
message.  I do have ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_USER set, all with 
correct and valid parameters.  What can I do te get all the tests to pass?  (I 
think I got this last time I built it but installed anyway, and the DBD does 
work, but I'd like to get it to pass the tests...)

Thank you,


    `\|||/         amonotod@    | sun|perl|windows
      (@@)         charter.net  | sysadmin|dba

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