On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 03:38:47PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>    I am in a quandary of installing DBD-Oracle on AIX 5.2 with 64bit Oracle 
> 9.2.0.

Reread the README, README.help and README.aix files carefully (including
the part about not sending emails directly to me :)

>    I have compiled Perl 5.8.6 at least 15 times, and DBI and DBD I
>    lost count of.  I am using IBM's VAC compiler version 6

>    ld: 0706-012 The -q flag is not recognized.
>    ld: 0706-012 The -6 flag is not recognized.
>    ld: 0706-012 The -4 flag is not recognized.
>    make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 255.

The key point here is that you need to use the same compiler that was
used to build the perl you're using. That may mean you have to build
your own perl.  From what you've said it seems like you are building
your own perl with the same compiler, but double check that you're then
using that perl (it's first in your PATH).

I've not heard of anyone using the VAC compiler on AIX so you're on the
bleading edge. I've CC'd this to dbi-users so maybe someone can help.
I can't much as it's many years since I've had any AIX experience.


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