RE: DBI, the maximum number of processes exceed

2002-03-13 Thread Rob Bloodgood
> There is a 'max number of processes exceeded' error in Oracle. > My guess is that this is coming thru from the database. > > The init.ora parameter is max_processes or something like that. > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > >Has anyone seen this before? Is there a DBI limit or is this a passthr

RE: DBI, the maximum number of processes exceed

2002-03-13 Thread rledousa
There is a 'max number of processes exceeded' error in Oracle. My guess is that this is coming thru from the database. The init.ora parameter is max_processes or something like that. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >Has anyone seen this before? Is there a DBI limit or is this a passthru >from the

DBI, the maximum number of processes exceed

2002-03-13 Thread LBaxter
Has anyone seen this before? Is there a DBI limit or is this a passthru from the underlying database (driver) in this case oracle... in which case I know what has to happen to cure it. Lincoln