# cpan DBD::Oracle

Remember to actually *READ* the README file! Especially if you have
any problems.

***  If you have problems...
     read all the log printed above, and the README and README.help.txt files.
     (Of course, you have read README by now anyway, haven't you?)

t/10general.............DBI connect('','scott/tiger',...) failed:
ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified (DBD ERROR:
OCIServerAttach) at t/10general.t line 22
Bailout called.  Further testing stopped:  Unable to connect to Oracle
(ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified (DBD ERROR:

        Remember to *read* the DBI README file and this one CAREFULLY!

    Make sure Oracle is working and you can use the Oracle sqlplus
    command to talk to the database from the machine you
        want to build DBD::Oracle on. This often involves setting
    environment variables like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, TWO_TASK etc.
    Consult Oracle documentation for more details.

OK, done that.

    Only once you can connect to Oracle using sqlplus
    should you try building and testing DBD::Oracle.

OK, done that.

The supplied tests will connect to the database using the value of the
ORACLE_USERID environment variable to supply the username/password.
So you should set that to a valid user (e.g. 'scott/tiger') and ensure that
this user has sufficient privileges to create, insert into, select from and
drop a table,  is also able to create, call and drop a procedure  and
is able to select from
systemtables like 'v$sessions'. Using 'system/manager' might work but is not
recommended! See also


Ah ha, getting warmer...


This information is now in the DBD::Oracle module pod documentation.
Use the 'perldoc DBD::Oracle' command to read it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perldoc DBD::Oracle
No documentation found for "DBD::Oracle".
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ man DBD::Oracle
No manual entry for DBD::Oracle

Ah. Not installed, f course.

Fortunately I have an old completed installation on a different
machine which got as far as installing the docs. And am aware that I
could find the docs on CPAN. But that might not be true of everybody.

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