Good morning all,

I need a sanity check here.   I'm using PERL 5.005_03, DBI-1.14 and
DBD-Oracle.1.06 on a Solaris 8 box.  I also have SQL*PLUS installed.   I
had everything compiled and working fine from the command line.  I wrote
a web interface to run a CGI script making DBD::Oracle calls, and that's
when I ran into the  famous "Solaris patch" message.     Reading through
the file for answers, I opted to rebuild PERL with thread
support.  (The LD_PRELOAD option doesn't work when accessing the scripts
from a browser, and recompiling Oracle is not going to be an option when
this goes production.)

I rebuilt PERL with -Dusethreads and it built and passed the tests just
fine.  I rebuilt DBI and had no problems.   I tried to rebuild
DBD::Oracle, and I'm getting the following messages:

          Using DBI 1.14 installed in

           Configuring DBD::Oracle ...

          >>>     Remember to actually *READ* the README file!

                  Especially if you have any problems.

          Using Oracle in /export/home/oracle/OraHome1

                  Unable to locate an, or
          other suitable *.mk
                  file in your Oracle installation.  (I looked


                  The (or file is
          part of the Oracle
                  RDBMS product. The (or
          file is part of
                  the Oracle Pro*C product.  You need to build
          DBD::Oracle on a
                  system which has one of these Oracle
          components installed.
                  (Other *.mk files such as the env_*.mk files
          will not work.)

                  In the unlikely event that a suitable *.mk
          file is installed
                  somewhere non-standard you can specify where
          it is using the -m option:
                          perl Makefile.PL -m /path/to/

                  See README.clients for more information and
          some alternatives.

               at Makefile.PL line 651.

I've searched my system, and I can't find the or
files.  I did a full install of the Oracle client from the Oracle 8i CD,
and (as far as I can remember), I haven't deleted anything from the
$ORACLE_HOME directory.  So they should've been there at some point, I'm
guessing.  I searched the Oracle 8i CD, and if those .mk files are
there, they must be stuffed in a .jar file or something.

Am I nuts or has anyone else run across this?   Why would I have been
able to build and install DBD::Oracle when PERL didn't use thread
support?  Have I gone brain dead, or am I missing something here?

TIA for any advice, suggestions, etc.

Dave Tamillow

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