> I'm having a problem using the table_info() via ProxyServer... I'm getting the 
>following error messages:
> I am using a Sun box to run the DBI on to talk to my Windows/2000 machine running 
>ProxyServer to access my SQL Db. Everything was fine until I tried to use table_info 
>to get a listing of the Tables ....
> I've tried everything I can think of .... any ideas ?  
Kevin M. Fenaughty 
AT&T Labs -Networked Computing Offer Development
(407)805-5528 Office
(407)341-0480 Cell

%attr = (
       TABLE_CAT   => $catalog  # String value of the catalog name
     , TABLE_SCHEM => $schema   # String value of the schema name
     , TABLE_NAME  => $table    # String value of the table name
     , TABLE_TYPE  => $type     # String value of the table type(s)
my $data_source = 'dbi:Proxy:hostname=;port=5731;dsn=dbi:ODBC:VNPoller';
my $dbh = DBI->connect("$data_source",'sa','',{RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1}) or 
die $DBI::errstr;
  $sth = $dbh->table_info( $catalog, $schema, $table, $type, \%attr );
        while( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array )
        print  $row[0]."\n";

> -- Error Messages ----
> [kevinf@billdev]/export/home/kevinf/MySQL->perl table_info.pl
> DBD::Proxy::db table_info failed: Server returned error: Failed to execute method 
>CallMethod: Can't use string ("1") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at 
>e:/Perl/site/lib/DBI/ProxyServer.pm line 296.
> DBD::Proxy::db table_info failed: Server returned error: Failed to execute method 
>CallMethod: Can't use string ("1") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at 
>e:/Perl/site/lib/DBI/ProxyServer.pm line 296.
> --- VERSION info 
> This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for sun4-solaris. 
> The version of DBD I'm using is: # $Id: DBD.pm,v 11.2 2001/08/24 22:10:44 timbo Exp $
> The version of ProxyServer I'm using is: #$Header: 
>/home/timbo/dbi/lib/DBI/RCS/ProxyServer.pm,v 11.7 2002/12/01 22:34:29 timbo Exp $

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