Okay, I missed the NUMEROUS archives about Storable!
Version on the Win98 is 1.001 and the one on the Linux Box
is 1.010. I cannot find version 1.001 to install on the
Linux Box, to see if that will work. Does anyone know where
to get it or should 1.001 & 1.010 be compatiable?
On 06-Mar-01 Scott T. Hildreth wrote:
> I have a couple of questions,
> 1) I got DBI::Proxy working on a Unix box connecting
> to another Unix Box, running Oracle. I had to alter
> Proxy.pm to get it to run. I added the following,
> $dsn =~ s/dbi:Proxy://i;
> ..when DBD::Proxy was parsing the connect string,
> "dbi:Proxy:hostname=srv;port=3333", the hostname
> was being parsed as 'dbi:Proxy:hostname' and the
> connect would failing on,
> if (!defined($attr{'hostname'})) { $err .= " Missing hostname."; }
> By putting the above line in, the Proxy connect worked.
> I searched the archives, and didn't see that anybody else
> had the same problem or at least I didn't find one. I emailed
> Jochen and asked if the problem had come up, he said no and
> indicated that there might be another problem. After I got the
> Proxy working on unix, I installed Activesate Perl on my Win98
> box and used ppm to install DBI, RPCPl, Net-Daemon, & Storable.
> I went to run my script and the same error occured, so I had
> to make the same edit as above. Has anyone come across this?
> If I am the only one, I want to find out why I have to edit
> the Proxy.pm to get the connect to work.
> 2) My second question is with the Proxy connect on the Win98 to Unix.
> It fails on the "thaw", I get a message indicating that the binary
> version (v2.4) for the ProxyServer is more recent than the one
> on Win98 (v2.3). Are the versions of Storable that incompatiable
> or is there something else going on? My Activestate build is #623.
> I normally do not work in a Windows enviorment, so any insight would
> be grateful, especially if I am missing the obvious!
> Thanks,
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: Scott T. Hildreth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 06-Mar-01
> Time: 11:19:49
> ----------------------------------
E-Mail: Scott T. Hildreth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 06-Mar-01
Time: 14:02:27