Long answer No with a But!

Short answer Yes with a Maybe!


You are actully the first one to ask about it since I took over maintaining 
DBD::Oracle 5 years ago.  Here is my answer


1) Yes the article is old and well out of date (and very one sided as TD often 
is no wonder he is going bankrupt but that is anohter rumor)


2) TAF is not what you think it is. When denonstrated in JDBC and SQLPLus you 
are seeing a TAF enabled application in  action.  All TAF/OCI does is register 
a callback that will keep track of the connection.  It is the appliction that 
is running TAF to interperate the signals comming that call back and then 
reconnect to the fail over when approate.  


3) As well DBD::ORacle is not an Appliction it is simply a DBI driver that is 
used to create application so it would be out of the scope of 'DBI' to add in 
direct support for TAF to the connection command as it would no longer make DBI 
"DB Independent" as there is no Pure Perl way to get 'TAF' to work.  So we will 
not see this getting into the DBI Spec.


4) However what is not out of scope in DBI is to provide the 'methods'  in a 
DBD to enable TAF and then use them  in your DBD::Oracle program to capture TAF 
callbacks. Adding them to DBD::Oracle would not be too hard but you would still 
have to rewrite your code to support TAF


5) One could write a DBIx that would create such a thing as a TAF_connection 
that will reconnect itself when a rac goes down but agian this 


Finally the long and short of it is getting the DB set up to develope and test 


I do not have a RAC DB that I could use in development the most I could provide 
it to stub in the required oci commands.


If you want to volenteer your RAC DB as a testbed then it might get in quite 


Finally what where you expecting from TAF and DBD::Oracle??


do you have any spec of what you want??


Anyway something I would like to work it I had the tools and the time






> To: dbi-users@perl.org
> From: dt.mcm...@gmail.com
> Subject: Does DBD::Oracle handle failover for RAC?
> Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 10:27:28 -0700
> Dear List,
> I am experiencing a problem in which, when one node of my 11g RAC
> fails, all the connections to that node get hung for a while. Some
> applications support transparent failover, but Googl'ing around
> suggests that DBD::Oracle doesn't. For example,
> http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_dbi_dbd_features.htm
> says "No failover capabilities whatsoever are built in DBD::Oracle."
> Now, I'm hoping that's just an old article; it's about DBD::Oracle
> version 1.17.
> I can give more details about what my particular database and client
> versions are, but I'd rather not. If the answer is categorically "no"
> I won't bother, and if it's "yes, in certain circumstances" I'm
> willing to work to make those circumstances obtain.
> Thanks for your help,
> dave
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