Look at mod-perl for consistant connections.  You must be using apache
The way you would reprepare is by having a query that might run mulitple
times but with different parameters.  Here is an example...

$sth = $dbh->prepare("select col1, col2, col3 from foo where col1 = ? and
col2 = ?");

for (1..10)
        $sth->execute($_, $_);
        while((@rows) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
                print map {print $_;} @rows;

-----Original Message-----
From: David Humpherys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 9:56 PM
Subject: connect calls and optimizations

I've only been using DBI for about a week, so forgive the newbie questions.

I'm using cgi-lib and a sql database.
I have a few functions right now to handle my database stuff..(insert,
select, update).
At the beginning of each of these functions, I'm connecting to the DB and at
the end i disconnect.
I'm curious if there is a better way to do this. Because the user will be
clicking many links that re-organize the db it seems a waist to continually
re-connect to it.   However, I don't know of a way (unless i have a logout
button) to know when the user is done with the page.

Also, I read that it's more efficient to prepare your statement once, and
use the bind values.  However, i don't understand how this is possible if
the first time you are doing a SELECT, and the next time a INSERT.  Can I
assign another $sth variable.?  I'm creating a big string to evaluate based
on different parameter each time, and I don't understand how to avoid this.

Any suggestions and comments would be greatly appreciated.


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