Thanks to all who replied. Your quick suggestions got me in the right
place to solve the problem.
> Hello!
> If you use fetchrow_hashref(), you'll end up with a hash that has the column
> names as the keys. To get get the column names from a record, simply
> retrieve the keys of the h
Check out the NAME and NAME_uc attributes associated with
the statement handle. They essentially give you a hash of
column names.
Steve Sapovits
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 5:04 PM
On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 05:03:48PM -0400, Kyle wrote:
> Hello
> How can I get SQL to return the column names when doing a select using
> the DBI?
> Why do I need this? I am trying to make one sub that will do my various
> selects. Right now I'm doing it with discrete subs. I find that the