
This email concerns an unreleased new Perl DBMS module/framework/engine that has separate Perl 5 and Perl 6 versions; the Perl 5 version is named QDRDBMS, and serves as a prototype for the Perl 6 version, which will have a different name, though the Perl 5 version is expected to be used soon in production for several years. This is a rewritten successor to my "Rosetta" project, whose name won't be used anymore.

QDRDBMS has not yet been released on CPAN, and I don't intend to put it there until it is complete enough to support a simple working demo, though I hope that will happen some time in February. Meanwhile, its various pieces can be seen at http://darrenduncan.net/QDRDBMS/ as a work in progress.

QDRDBMS is a self-contained fully-featured RDBMS implemented in Perl, a fact which is strongly emphasized. (FYI, see also Genezzo on CPAN.) But it has swappable engines (as DBI has swappable drivers), and with an appropriate engine substitution, the QDRDBMS API can alternately be used as a front for some other DBMS, such as what DBI and its wrappers do, and its API can be targeted by other wrappers. Or its query language / AST can used as an interchange language.

QDRDBMS is not in managed version control yet, though I do manually make daily archives ... I plan to actually move it into version control a few days before the first CPAN release, where it would be subsequently maintained. Most likely, the version control system I will use is that which Rosetta is currently in, which is the utsl.gen.nz SVN server graciously provided by Sam Vilain.

My main reason for writing this email is that I would like to have a reliable email discussion list setup for developers/users of QDRDBMS prior to the first CPAN release, so I can refer to it in my documentation as a place where to get help or make suggestions, and so discussion among co-developers can be centered there rather than being divided up among a variety of other mailing lists. This list will be specific to the Perl 5 version, not the Perl 6 one (though they would crossover at times).

I would prefer to use a developer-focused server as is common already in the Perl community, and not use a general purpose server like Yahoo or Google. From what I have seen with existing database or Perl related lists, they tend to be either at perl.org, or at sourceforge, or at an owner-specific domain. While in the long term I will probably use an owner-specific domain (likely named after whatever the Perl 6 version will be called), during the first several years I can't do that.

I would like suggestions to where I may be best to apply for a mailing list at an existing managed host.

Currently, a perl.org address looks the most attractive to me, as that is where lists about DBI and Perl 6 are, and they have a lot of other lists besides. Since I have no intention of hosting my project at Sourceforge, I don't know if it possible to get a mailing list with them in isolation from a project, or maybe that isn't actually a problem with using them.

Ideally, people would be able to view an archive of all list posts on the web, some how, and that it would be easy enough to transfer all the historical posts, with original email headers to a new host later if desired.

Any feedback as to where or who I should best ask for a list host, or offers for said, are appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

-- Darren Duncan

P.S. I'll also want to setup a designated IRC channel for the project also, though I anticipate that those will be trivial in comparison, and I can concern myself with it later. At least both freenode and perl.org seem to be setup that you can go to any channel name and the channel will just exist while people are there.

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