Re: Trouble with SQL::Statement 1.14 and bind values

2005-10-08 Thread Steffen G.
Jeff Zucker wrote: >> > Yes, I just recently discovered some problems. Please try this fix and > let me know if it solves your problem: > > Yes, it does. Thanks a lot! Steffen

Re: Trouble with SQL::Statement 1.14 and bind values

2005-10-07 Thread Jeff Zucker
Steffen G. wrote: Hi, I have some trouble with the new SQL::Statement 1.14 when using a DBI:CSV database and bind values. Yes, I just recently discovered some problems. Please try this fix and let me know if it solves your problem:

Trouble with SQL::Statement 1.14 and bind values

2005-10-07 Thread Steffen G.
Hi, I have some trouble with the new SQL::Statement 1.14 when using a DBI:CSV database and bind values. Please have a look at these few lines: ~~~ #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use DBI; my $dbh=DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=./db",'','', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }) or di