DBI users,

I'm running a command that (eventually) calls a Perl script, at the end I get 
the following error messages:

DBD::CSV initialisation failed: Can't locate auto/DBI/setup_drive.al in @INC 
(@INC contains: 
/pkg/perl/5.8.6/lib/5.8.6/sun4-solaris /pkg/perl/5.8.6/lib/5.8.6 
/pkg/perl/5.8.6/lib/site_perl/5.8.6 /pkg/perl/5.8.6/lib/site_perl .) at 
/pkg/perl/5.8.6/lib/site_perl/5.8.6/sun4-solaris/DBD/File.pm line 48
 line 62

I have another version of this environment that uses a different Perl area, and 
this works, but I can't find a "setup_drive.al" file anywhere in either the 
working or non-working areas.

Where do I obtain this missing setup_drive.al file?   Is there another DBI 
module I need to install?

Below are the source lines from the error thread:

PreopCheckout.plx, line 62
$DBH   = DBI->connect( "DBI:CSV:f_dir=$CC::DB" ) or Ut::l_die( "Can't connect: 
$DBI::errstr\n" );

DBD/File.pm, line 48:
DBI->setup_driver('DBD::File'); # only needed once but harmless to repeat

Thanks in advance,

Randy Applegate

Software Engineer
Ericsson Inc.

Boulder R&D Center
6710 Spine Rd.
Boulder, CO 8030-3317

Office: +1 303-473-6811
Fax: +1 303-473-6697
Mobile: +1 303-217-0068
Email: randy.appleg...@ericsson.com

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