On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 10:31:51 -0500 Stephane Legault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using DB2 with perl and I make this select in my code:
> $sth= $dbh->prepare ("select
> date(wedthreenregis),wenid_app,wealias,count(weduration) from
> slegault.weexectime where date(wedthreenregis)= ? and weni
I'm using DB2 with perl and I make this select in my code:
$sth= $dbh->prepare ("select
date(wedthreenregis),wenid_app,wealias,count(weduration) from
slegault.weexectime where date(wedthreenregis)= ? and wenid_app= ? group by
when the count(weduration) is