hi @ll,

i am playing around with DBIx::Class::Migration and use dump_all_sets  to 
store my persistent data. I was wondering why a single file is generated for 
each record. In my case this results in 85500+ files, using 340MB disk space 
(31MB is the size of the whole mysql instance) and the performance is terrible 

So i was wondering, what`s the magic about using single files for each record. 
I`m sure, that there was a good reason to use single files even though it is 
not obvious for me.

Is there a option/parameter to use a single dump file per table instead of a 
file per record in DBIx::Class::Migration or are there other recommendations 
for so many records?

I would like to have the possibility to compare old with new tables and only 
insert/update/delete changed records.



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