i have just compiled and installed dbmail 1.0 with mysql 3.23.53 and dbmail-pop3d sometimes crash (just one child, not the master daemon) when someone issue a session
with username set and invalid password :

USER iam
PASS iam

the server respond with an authentication error but when i issue the quit command
the child exit with signal 11 and the master pop3d create a new one
(in my dbmail.conf i have set to 10 the value of  NCHILDREN)

Have you got the same problem?


----------- /etc/dbmail.conf ------------------

EFFECTIVE_USER=nobody # the user that dbmail-pop3d will run as (need to be root to bind to a port<1024) EFFECTIVE_GROUP=nogroup # the group that dbmail-pop3d will run as BINDIP=* # the ipaddress the dbmail-pop3d server has to bin
d to, * for all addresses
PORT=110 # the port number the dbmail-pop3d server has to b ind to. NCHILDREN=10 # default number of POP3 handlers (each is a proce
ss) MAXCHILDREN=200                   # mac. number of POP3 handlers
MAXCONNECTS=10000 # the maximum number of connections a default chil
ds makes
TIMEOUT=300 # the time (s) before the dbmail-pop3d should shut
down a connection which is being idle.
RESOLVE_IP=yes # if yes, the pop daemon resolves IP numbers to DN
S names in the log


----------- pop3 crashing session -------------------------------------
Jan 16 16:43:59 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: PerformChildTask(): incoming connection from [ (andrea.sad.it)] Jan 16 16:43:59 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: PerformChildTask(): client info init complete, calling client handler Jan 16 16:44:05 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): incoming buffer: [user iam] Jan 16 16:44:05 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): command issued :cmd [user], value [iam] Jan 16 16:44:05 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): command looked up as commandtype 1 Jan 16 16:44:11 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): incoming buffer: [pass iam] Jan 16 16:44:11 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): command issued :cmd [pass], value [iam] Jan 16 16:44:11 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): command looked up as commandtype 2 Jan 16 16:44:11 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: __auth_query(): executing query [SELECT user_idnr, passwd, encryption_type FROM users WHERE userid = 'iam'] Jan 16 16:44:11 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): user [iam] tried to login with wrong password Jan 16 16:44:11 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3_error(): an invalid command was issued Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): incoming buffer: [quit] Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: pop3(): command looked up as commandtype 0 Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: ChildSighandler(): got signal [11] Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: ChildSighandler(): cannot ignore this. Terminating Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: ChildSighandler(): write stream still open, closing Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: ChildSighandler(): read stream still open, closing Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: ChildSighandler(): database connection still open, closing
Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3237]: ChildSighandler(): exit
Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3227]: ParentSigHandler(): got signal [17] Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3227]: StartServer(): child [3237] has exited Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3227]: StartServer(): creating new child Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3299]: CreateChild(): signal handler placed, going to perform task now Jan 16 16:44:14 andrea dbmail/pop3d[3299]: PerformChildTask(): waiting for connection

Trouble with Windows? Reboot!
Trouble with Unix?    Be root!
Andrea Sisti
SAD System Administrator
SAD Trasporto Locale S.p.A.
Corso Italia 13/N
39100 Bolzano/Bozen BZ

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