A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                vampyre
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   901
Category:                   Authentication layer
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             11-May-11 21:23 CEST
Last Modified:              28-Jun-11 18:33 CEST
Summary:                    non escaped sumbols from imap
It looks like dbmail-imapd doesn't remove escape symbols from special
characters passed by IMAP. This leads to some inconveniences. Sorry for
such raw report, I will try to reproduce it against latest version and
provide you with a patch soon. 

 (0003182) vampyre (reporter) - 17-May-11 21:25
Btw, it looks similar to http://www.dbmail.org/mantis/view.php?id=853. I've
noticed this description field was
modified in that report. 

 (0003183) paul (administrator) - 17-May-11 22:22
Please provide the dbmail version and steps to reproduce. 

 (0003184) vampyre (reporter) - 17-May-11 22:49
I am using dbmail-2.3.7 dated at 20100111. I have described the steps to
reproduce earlier. You should try to authenticate via LOGIN method with
password that contain special characters like (", \).

Btw, I have fixed the issue locally and enclosed the patch for you.
However it was done in a rush so I suppose the place for g_strcompress can
be reconsidered.

I will recheck this against new version of dbmail if this is required.
Could you please inform me if so, thank you.

Looking forward for your reply. 

 (0003185) vampyre (reporter) - 30-May-11 13:11
Unfortunately I have found some issues with this patch as it not fully
correspond to RFC requirements:

I mean that according to RFC IMAP should un-escape like:
Original line: "test line1\\s", "test line2\s"
Un-escaped line: "test line1\s" "test line2\s"

So the first case is handled correctly with that patch, but the second
I am working on correct solution now, and provide you with a patch as soon
as I can. Sorry for inconveniences. 

 (0003194) vampyre (reporter) - 24-Jun-11 09:42
Hello, I have completed the correct patch according to RFC, please review
and apply it if it is acceptable on your point of view. 

 (0003198) paul (administrator) - 26-Jun-11 12:26
Some remarks:

try to replace the if (MATCH(self->command...)) with a switch statement
like in dbmail_imap_session_mailbox_status for performance reasons.

please split up the unescape function and extract the actual unescape
routine into a separate function. This separate function needs to have
unit-tests in for example test/check_dbmail_misc.c.

since this functionality simply strips chars from a char* doing
malloc/free loops seems complete overkill. Try to rethink in terms of
in-place editing. 

 (0003199) vampyre (reporter) - 26-Jun-11 18:35
Hi paul, thanks for advice. Sounds reasonable, will do that in nearest

 (0003200) paul (administrator) - 28-Jun-11 18:33
the attached escape.c demonstrates in-place editing 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
11-May-11 21:23  vampyre        New Issue                                    
17-May-11 21:25  vampyre        Note Added: 0003182                          
17-May-11 22:22  paul           Note Added: 0003183                          
17-May-11 22:44  vampyre        File Added:
17-May-11 22:49  vampyre        Note Added: 0003184                          
30-May-11 13:11  vampyre        Note Added: 0003185                          
24-Jun-11 09:42  vampyre        Note Added: 0003194                          
24-Jun-11 09:43  vampyre        File Added: patch_to_mantis                    
26-Jun-11 12:26  paul           Note Added: 0003198                          
26-Jun-11 18:35  vampyre        Note Added: 0003199                          
28-Jun-11 18:32  paul           File Added: escape.c                         
28-Jun-11 18:33  paul           Note Added: 0003200                          

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