The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                gerritcap
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   924
Category:                   Command-Line programs (dbmail-users, dbmail-util)
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   minor
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             04-Sep-11 22:53 CEST
Last Modified:              04-Sep-11 22:53 CEST
Summary:                    dbmail-util -by doesn't fix un-cached physmessages
Every time I run dbmail-util -by it informs me that there are 3 un-cached
physmessages. It seems to fix it (3 dots are displayed) and finally reports
that the errors were fixed and suggest to rerun dbmail-util to validate if
they really are.

Unfortunately repeatedly I relaunched dbmail-util but it continues to give
the same information.

Note: I had this problem with postgresql 8.4.1/dbmail-2-2.11 and recently
upgraded to postgresql 9.0.4/dbmail-2.2.17. Both combinations had the same

I then tried to upgrade to dbmail-3.0.0 rc3:
    1) upgraded the dbmail software
    2) upgraded the database with the upgrade script to upgrade 2_2 to
    3) tried twice the dbmail-util -by script: it twice reported all of my
15.000+ emails, it also showed a lot of dots while correcting (or trying to
    4) ran dbmail-util -My twice to update all messages to new database
    5) ran dbmail-util -by twice again, and again twice the same 15.000+
records were reported and were part of a fix

Note that after upgrading to 3.0.0 rc3, using thunderbird to connect to
the dbmails imap server, every message had empty header records: no
subject, no sender info was shown, no date etc... and this after step 2, 3,
4 & 5 detailed above. Each test was performed after emptying the
thunderbird cache in the thunderbird profile directory on disk


Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
04-Sep-11 22:53  gerritcap      New Issue                                    

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