Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] Help with my first dbpedia select - Simpsons Episodes almost working

2013-01-08 Thread David Riccitelli
Try this one: PREFIX dbprop: PREFIX dcterms: SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?episode dcterms:subject ?subject ; dbprop:season ?season ; dbprop:airdate ?created ; dbprop:blackboard ?blackboard ; dbprop:episod

Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] Help with my first dbpedia select - Simpsons Episodes almost working

2013-01-08 Thread Mohamed Morsey
Hi Teddy, On 01/08/2013 01:10 PM, Andy 'Ted' Tedford wrote: Hi all, I've tried and tried but I cannot understand how to get my select to do what I want. here is what I have and it works fine PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX

Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] Help with my first dbpedia select - Simpsons Episodes almost working

2013-01-08 Thread Andrea Di Menna
Hi Teddy, you can try with the following PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX dc:

[Dbpedia-discussion] Help with my first dbpedia select - Simpsons Episodes almost working

2013-01-08 Thread Andy 'Ted' Tedford
Hi all, I've tried and tried but I cannot understand how to get my select to do what I want. here is what I have and it works fine PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: