Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] owl:sameAs values inconsistent with internal resource URIs

2013-03-09 Thread Smith, Grant M. (UMKC-Student)
inconsistent with internal resource URIs On 3/6/13 5:08 AM, Mohamed Morsey wrote: Hi Grant, in addition to what Ben mentioned, you can still get the required results using the following query: PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <><> PREFIX db

Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] owl:sameAs values inconsistent with internal resource URIs

2013-03-06 Thread Kingsley Idehen
On 3/6/13 5:08 AM, Mohamed Morsey wrote: Hi Grant, in addition to what Ben mentioned, you can still get the required results using the following query: PREFIX dbpedia-owl: PREFIX dbpprop: PREFIX drugbank:

Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] owl:sameAs values inconsistent with internal resource URIs

2013-03-06 Thread Mohamed Morsey
Hi Grant, in addition to what Ben mentioned, you can still get the required results using the following query: PREFIX dbpedia-owl: PREFIX dbpprop: PREFIX drugbank:

Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] owl:sameAs values inconsistent with internal resource URIs

2013-03-06 Thread Ben Companjen
Hi Grant, When I click the link I get redirected to (3 instead of 4), so it looks like the "resource" URIs are not stable. There is no owl:sameAs either

[Dbpedia-discussion] owl:sameAs values inconsistent with internal resource URIs

2013-03-05 Thread Smith, Grant M. (UMKC-Student)
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: PREFIX dbpprop: PREFIX drugbank: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: