> Hello everyone!
> I'm Jorge, this is my first time here and I want to introduce myself.
Hello Jorge and welcome to our community! :)
> I'm a part-time student at Fullerton College in Fullerton, California.
> I'm working on transferring to the Informatics program at the
> University of California, Irvine where I hope to earn a Bachelors
> degree. While I'm there, I plan to focus on HCI and machine learning.
> This is my first time applying for GSOC and I'm excited about this. I
> would like to contribute to the New DBpedia Interfaces: Resource
> Widgets project and I think my skill set makes me a good candidate.
> I love to build web apps and I'm familiar with SPARQL so this should
> be fun. 
> I had a few questions about the project.
> 1. What type browser support is required?
There are no specific requirements, yet. The widgets should work in
current mainstream browsers (so Firefox and Chrome). I don't think
there's a need to support 'special' browsers like older IE versions.
> 2. I would like to use the following tools: JavaScript or
> CoffeeScript, Angularjs, jQuery, Bootstrap, Bower and Gruntjs. How
> does this sound to the dbpedia team?
Sounds really great!

Best regards
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