Hi DBpedia Team,

My name is Anna Pedchenko, I'm a master's degree student in
Taras Shevchenko the National University of Kyiv. I have experience in
Scala, JavaScript and Computer Science.
I've done all warm-up tasks for "DBpedia Lookup improvements" idea and have
some suggestions for this project.
- What do you think about rewriting controller-code(LookupResource.scala)
in more "functional and reactive way"? We can use Akka-HTTP(it's still
experimental but should be stable till summer).
- Also, we can move from using native Lucene index and use elastic search,
so we'll be able to remove the synchronised block(http://bit.ly/1YO2PS0)
and use some reactive driver for betta performance
- I've done some draft documentation for DBpedia-lookup (
- Also, I've done some investigation in jsonLD, so moving from XML to
jsonLD should not be hard

What do you think? If everything is Ok, I will be glad to write a proposal
for "DBpedia Lookup improvements" project.

Anna Pedchenko,
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