On 1 Jan 2011, at 11:50, Gorry Fairhurst wrote:
> It's approaching a time when we need to decide as a WG what goes into the 
> next rev. of the draft:
> ~ Could the procedure for DCCP checksums be further simplified by requiring 
> (MUST) this to be set to zero when encapsulated within a (DCCP-)UDP header? - 
> this would reduce the checksum processing overhead to that of only UDP.
> ~ Following the WGLC there was debate on the 4/6-Tuple and how this would 
> work with different UDP and DCCP port values. As I see it, the current 
> proposal is to eliminate the 6-Tuple text and use only the outer UDP ports 
> for demultiplexing.

If I understand what's proposed correctly, I don't think this would be a good 
idea. The ability to have a well-known UDP port on which tunnelled DCCP 
connections can be accepted seems important to me; as does the ability to run a 
server accessible via UDP and native DCCP listening on the same port, also 
accessible via tunnelled DCCP. Neither of these are possible if we use only the 
outer UDP ports. 

> ~ If we adopt the above, there has also been a proposal to remove the DCCP 
> ports prior to encaps. This is a topic we have visited as a WG in the past. 
> I've seen recent comments supporting this and comments against this. Is it 
> viable to remove the DCCP ports field, and is this desirable or not - 
> comments welcome? (see also note on DCCP Checksum being zero) - How far do 
> people wish to go (if at all) in removing unused fields?

See above. I don't think this is desirable.

> ~ If we allow the the well-known UDP-assigned port for DCCP (as currently 
> proposed), then it seems this would rely on out-of-band information or the SC 
> to identify the intended DCCP service. This has less utility (i.e. there are 
> only specific cases where this is useful, and it wouldn't work in some NAPT 
> scenarios), but it currently seems to me to be mostly harmless - can someone 
> supply suggested text?.

Or use the inner DCCP port.

> ---
> ~ Known NiTs (to be corrected in next version - thanks to all who noted 
> these):
> Header: s/Engineeeing/Engineering/
> Abstract: s/This documents also updates/The document also updates/
> Section 1: "[...] that is compatible with this installed base of NAT/NAPT
> devices that supports [RFC4787], but do not support [RFC5597]."
> Change to 'devices that support'
> Section 1: "The document also provides an updated SDP specification for DCCP,
> and, in this respect only, it updates the method in [RFC5762]."
> Insert text 'updated SDP specification for DCCP to convey the
> encapsulation type and, in this respect only, ...'
> Section 3: "Devices offering or using DCCP services [...] listens on a UDP 
> port"
> ^ - Change to /A device that offers or uses ...
> Section 3.1: "Length: 16 bits
> [...] (for DCCP-UDP, the payload is a DCCP-UDP datagram)"
> See if this is clearer to say that the payload is a DCCP datagram.
> Section 3.3: s/encapuslated/encapsulated/
> Section 3.3: "Use of UDP-checksum is mandated" => of UDP checksums
> Section 3.4: Typo "teh"
> Section 3.4: Typo "A DCCP-UDP implementations" change to implementation
> Section 3.4: Typo s/susbequent/subsequent/
> Section 3.8: Typo "DCP-UDP client"
> Section 3.8: "If the DCCP-UDP server binds to this default port"
> Repeat "binds to the default port reserved for DCCP-UDP service"?
> Section 3.9: Check: "This section clarifies the usage of DCCP Service Codes 
> or the registration of
> server ports by DCCP-UDP." ==> should this be 'Service Codes and the [...]"?
> Section 4: There is no clear motivation for using a different encapsulation 
> for higher-layer protocols in DCCP-NAT than in DCCP-STD. Change: The 
> different encapsulations MUST be the same.
> Section 4: Clarify "If a document does not specify [...] the specified 
> encapsulation SHALL apply [...]" ==> does this mean that 'DCCP-UDP 
> encapsulation applies as specified by this document'?
> Section 5.1: Add some words to explain the applicability of the new SDP 
> attribute. Specifically, it's likely only useful if the offering party is on 
> the public Internet, or in the same private addressing realm as the answering 
> party, since otherwise the port advertised is unlikely to be reachable due to 
> the NAT.
> Section 5.1: the "a=dccp-in-udp:" attribute can be used in a declarative SDP 
> file, in addition to in offer/answer mode.
> Section 5.1: procedures for handling DCCP-STD and/or DCCP-NAT with ICE may 
> need to be developed, but are left for further work.
> Section 5: Ed Note: There is only one subsection, 'SDP Support for DCCP-UDP'. 
> Would it make
> sense to collapse the single subsection so that there is only a section 5?
> Section 6: s/swent/sent/, s/encapsualted/encapsulated/, 
> s/conenctions/connections/
> Section 7: s/occurances/occurrences/
> Section 8: s/Collin/Colin/, s/Lenvorski/Lentvorski/
> ---
> Gorry
> On 20/12/2010 15:30, Eddie Kohler wrote:
>> If the parsing change were dramatic or expensive I'd be less happy about 
>> eliding the DCCP ports.  But the DCCP ports are just the first 4 bytes of 
>> the DCCP header, making it very easy to pop ports on for parsing and pop 
>> them off for encapsulating.
>> E
>> On 12/20/10 1:50 AM, Pasi Sarolahti wrote:
>>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Colin Perkins wrote:
>>>>> No, they would not.  Just as the encapsulated DCCP header checksum is 
>>>>> ignored, the encapsulated DCCP PORTS would be ignored.  The receiver 
>>>>> would use the ports from UDP.
>>>> In that case, we should just elide the ports from the encapsulated DCCP 
>>>> header to avoid the confusion, if we're going to do this.
>>> I'm also supportive of using UDP ports in the 4-tuple, and ignore the DCCP 
>>> ports. I wouldn't so much like the idea of defining a different DCCP header 
>>> for UDP encapsulation, even if it saved a few bytes (just to avoid separate 
>>> packet parsers).
>>> With a shared UDP port at the server, this would mean that the service 
>>> codes come to good use (which might be worth emphasizing in the text).
>>> - Pasi

Colin Perkins

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