Hello again Phriends,

                                 I'm back with another question for you guys, since your always so helpful in answering every question that I have posed so far! :)

                  O.K., a phriend of mine just sent me a show on CD, and it is of; Hartford 10-15-83, at the Hartford Civic Center! In listening to this I discovered that on Disc Two on the song; "Throwing Stones", there is a point in the song where it sounds like Bobby is joined my a few others during the singing of the chorus,"Ashes to Ashes we All Fall Down...", "Ashes to Ashes we All Fall Down...". I cannot distinguish who the various artist are that join Bobby during this chorus? One sounds like a females voice, so I'm assuming it may be Donna Goodchaux (sp?), as I think she might have been around the band at this time! I don't recognize the other's, but I'm not that familiar with either Phil's voice or anybody else's. Well, that's about it.....just thought I'd throw it out and see what I get in return! I don't think it was Jerry, cause I know his voice, but there is clearly at least 2-3 voices there!!  :) 

                                                                      Peace Always,

                                                                                                 Martin  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )This is not a tape/CD request, because I know to use the Resources for Traders site for that.

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