we have taken this to the next level.  this was done back in may by the
creation of a pilot site of a database driven, searchable Deadlists web

it is at http://www.shallwego.net/deadlists

Nathan and I just recently discussed moving the pilot onto www.deadlists.com
(replacing the current text-file based site).  this should be completed
within the next week or so.

the big problem/holdback on ensuring up-to-date information is that the data
is only as accurate as the person who types it in.  and not all the
caretakers are posting regular updates.  i save every single post to the
list that has a correction, but i never get updated years from caretakers
for those messages - we're talking ~200 messages for this past year.

in the past, this list has not been pushy regarding caretaker duties since
it is volunteer, but if you want the data to be accurate, then you need to
make certain requirements of caretakers.  you talk about going back and
examining shows for more details? - we can't even get some caretakers to
post ANY corrections/updates.

there are a handful of caretakers - such as yourself - who are quite
diligent of collecting periodic corrections and sending me updated files and
i do want to recognize your efforts.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Powell
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 12:31 AM
Subject: DeadLists Project: The Next Generation

I have been poking around our site & I am really amazed at what we have
created.  I am also convinced it is time to start working to take it to the
next level.  This raises at least a couple sets of issues:

1)  SEARCH ENGINE:  some time ago someone posted to this list eager to lead
the charge on this long defered NECESSITY, a search engine.  This discussion
was taken off-list, and  that was the last that I heard.  WHAT HAPPENED.
Could we have a report back please.

2)  REFINEMENT OF DATA.  It seems to me its time to try to take our data,
year by year, to the next level.  This way well entail involving another
group of people, year by year, to take on the role of data refiner to work
with the caretakers to try to refine our database.  This involves three
areas:  1)  checking lists, making sure we got all the songs, in the right
order, etc.  Close checking everything against tapes as much as possible.
2)  Identifying jams more methodically;  this can only be done with tapes,
and as part of; 3) getting timings across the board.  Now that stuff is
getting transferred to Cds, this is MUCH easier.

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