Hello, Jim:  

I just thought I'd drop you a line about this concert.  Because I knew
the head of the SM Civic's ticket office, I sat in the front row
center.  Only the orchestra pit people were in front of me.  While the
Dead was tuning up, a deejay from KRLA (I think) came out for a forced
hip intro.  He said, "The last time the Dead played here was at a
benefit for Timothy Leary (which I attended also) and no one got very
high".  Someone from the band murmured and the deejay added, "except
the Dead".  The first song of the evening was "Cold Rain and Snow".
After "Lovelight" they came out and tuned up for an encore, but, after
several minutes, decided just to sing "We Bid You Goodnight" and left.
Phil Lesh came back onstage a few minutes later to retrieve his
leather jacket.

So, now you know what the first number and the encore were. 

All the best, 

Rob Gunning



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